Standpoint Mediation
Because it’s hard enough to live with people you love
We can help you find your way through conflict.
We specialize in community mediation: Neighbor-to-neighbor mediation in homeowner associations, condo associations, neighborhood associations, retirement communities and specialized communities; We also provide mediation and facilitation to the boards of directors that govern them.
Focusing on neighborhood and planned communities, Standpoint provides casework, facilitates conflict mediation, assists clients with agreements to settle their conflicts, and provides organizational conflict assessments and consulting. Our mediators adhere to the Oregon Mediation Association’s Core Standards of Mediation Practice (OMA, 2005).
Conflict happens and when it’s in your neighborhood or community, it can be tough to navigate. Often, people continue living with resentments, barking dogs and broken rules, or have to take legal action to get community problems solved. Standpoint mediators are here to guide you through finding resolution another way.
We help you find creative, realistic and sustainable third-way solutions to get your primary needs met.
Why mediation
Mediation can repair and improve relationships, is confidential, and can save you time, and save you money.
About us
Meet our mediators. Learn a little about our experience and why we are excited about helping you.
contact us
We are happy to talk to you more about how Standpoint Mediation can help. Call us, email us, or schedule an appointment.